A little note

So quick I just wanted you to know that this is a fictional constellation. I am idolizing this in a serious matter and this is not a joke blog. That is all.

Tuesday 3 May 2016


   Well you already know that Mirum has powers but he also has a crazy cool set of weapons. First of all, Mirum dual-wields. I can name a Ronin who dual wields but I can't name any more Greek Hero's who dual-wields. In his left hand he wields the Irish sword: Claiomh Solais (Sword of Light) and in his right hand he wields the magical Dyrnwyn (White-Hilt) of the Welsh. Dyrnwyn sets aflame upon taking it out of the scabbard, but only for a noble man with a noble cause. Not only that but Mirum's battle armor is made of adamantine. The same metal as Cronus' Scythe. The armor is also cloth looking and lightweight yet still strong enough to resist attacks from monsters and Daemons.
   And at times Mirum brings out his pair of flying sandals gifted to him by Hermes. And his headgear is actually generic so no point in going over that. Mirum's variety of weapons and armor is great so I hope you like that. That's all.