A little note

So quick I just wanted you to know that this is a fictional constellation. I am idolizing this in a serious matter and this is not a joke blog. That is all.

Saturday 23 April 2016

Greek Hero to constellation

   So what granted Mirum the opportunity to become a constellation you ask. Well how about we check the official constellation guide book. 
H. How does a Greek Hero become a constellation? First you need to be a Demi-God. 2nd, have either a good amount of myths or just have 1 or 2 really big myths. 3rd, make sure you're male. It's sounds sexist but it's true. All Greek heroes were guys. There were a few famous females but they were all monsters, Gods, or didn't do anything heroic. 4th, save at least 10 people. 5th, and fimally, make sure you're strong with swords, and mind. 
H. Let's see how many Mirum matches! He's a Demi-God and has a few famous myths including: :the story of Mirum and Hades!!!!! Medusa's reincarnation, Mirums beginning, and many more. He's a he, as far as I know. He's also saved many people before if it was from a reincarnated Medusa it an angry God's army. Finally, Mirum fights more with magic then swords but still knows how to work a sword, plus his mind is one of the sharpest to date. 
H. In my book I'd say Mirum completed all the requirements. Well now you know what it takes to be a Greek Hero turned constellation like Mirum. 

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